Gaelle's Story...

Gaelle, holds a BA in Health Care Administration from Monroe College. Following this accomplishment, she pursued higher education and achieved a Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree from Mercy College, further enhancing her academic credentials.


With 15 years of healthcare experience, Gaelle garnered extensive expertise in operation management, quality assurance, and compliance. This experience allowed her to make a tangible impact on the healthcare industry, contributing to the betterment of patient care and overall operational efficiency.


As time went on, Gaelle discovered a newfound passion for self-care, particularly in the realm of skincare. Driven by a personal journey to combat and conquer acne, she embarked on a self-guided exploration of acne and facial treatments. Armed with newfound knowledge and hands-on experience, Gaelle successfully managed her own acne issues. Fueled by this remarkable personal transformation and the desire to help others experiencing the same, Gaelle took a bold step forward. Currently, she is enrolled as an esthetician student at the prestigious Christine Valmy School for Esthetics, diligently honing her skills and expertise in skincare and facial treatments.


Gaelle’s dreams extend beyond personal success. Gaelle’s aspiration is to help both men and women achieve their skincare goals and continuously educate and inspire them to develop their own personalized skincare routines outside of the spa setting.

I'm excited to get your skincare regimen going! Let's connect.


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